1.安装Visual Studio 2019
2.安装时,勾选上“使用 C++ 的桌面开发”

3.安装好之后,在开始菜单打开Visual Studio 2019
-x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019

cd E:\php-sdk
[vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x64'
PHP SDK 2.2.0
OS architecture: 64-bit
Build architecture: 64-bit
Visual C++: 14.27.29111.0
PHP-SDK path: E:\php-sdk
phpsdk_buildtree phpdev
cd E:\php-sdk\phpdev\vs16\x64\php-8.0.0-src
使用 PHP SDK 工具通过phpsdk_deps -u
phpsdk_deps -u
Configuration: 8.0-vs16-x64-stable
Processing package apache-2.4.43-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package c-client-2007f-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package fbclient-3.0.6-nocrt-x64.zip
Processing package freetype-2.9.1-1-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package glib-2.53.3-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package ICU-67.1-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libargon2-20190702-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libbzip2-1.0.8-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libcurl-7.71.1-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libenchant2-2.2.8-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libffi-3.3-1-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libiconv-1.16-2-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libintl-0.18.3-5-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libjpeg-9c-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package liblmdb-0.9.22-3-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package liblzma-5.2.5-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libonig-6.9.5-1-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libpng-1.6.34-4-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libpq-11.4-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libqdbm-1.8.78-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libsasl-2.1.27-2-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libsodium-1.0.18-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libssh2-1.9.0-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libtidy-5.6.0-2-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libwebp-1.1.0-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libxml2-2.9.10-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libxpm-3.5.12-5-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libxslt-1.1.34-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package libzip-1.7.1-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package mpir-3.0.0-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package net-snmp-5.7.3-1-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package nghttp2-1.40.0-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package openldap-2.4.47-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package openssl-1.1.1g-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package sqlite3-3.33.0-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package wineditline-2.205-1-vs16-x64.zip
Processing package zlib-1.2.11-vs16-x64.zip
Updates performed successfully.
Old dependencies backed up into 'E:\php-sdk\phpdev\vs16\x64\deps.202008270422'.
Rebuilding configure.js
Now run 'configure --help'
configure --help
PHP Version: 8.0.0beta2
Options that enable extensions and SAPI will accept 'yes' or 'no' as a
parameter. They also accept 'shared' as a synonym for 'yes' and request a
shared build of that module. Not all modules can be built as shared modules;
configure will display [shared] after the module name if can be built that
--enable-snapshot-build Build a snapshot; turns on everything it
can and ignores build errors
--with-verbosity Output verbosity, 0-2.
--with-toolset Toolset to use for the compilation, give:
vs, clang, icc. The only recommended and
supported toolset for production use is
Visual Studio. Use others at your own
--with-cygwin Path to cygwin utilities on your system
--enable-object-out-dir Alternate location for binary objects
during build
--enable-debug Compile with debugging symbols
--enable-debug-pack Release binaries with external debug
symbols (--enable-debug must not be
--enable-pgi Generate PGO instrumented binaries
--with-pgo Compile optimized binaries using training
data from folder
--disable-zts Thread safety
--with-prefix where PHP will be installed
--with-mp Tell Visual Studio use up to
[n,auto,disable] processes for compilation
--with-php-build Path to where you extracted the
development libraries
Assumes that it is a sibling of this
source dir (..\deps) if not specified
--with-extra-includes Extra include path to use when building
--with-extra-libs Extra library path to use when linking
--with-analyzer Enable static analyzer. Pass vs for Visual
Studio, clang for clang, cppcheck for
Cppcheck, pvs for PVS-Studio
--disable-ipv6 Disable IPv6 support (default is turn it
on if available)
--enable-fd-setsize Set maximum number of sockets for
--with-snapshot-template Path to snapshot builder template dir
--disable-security-flags Disable the compiler security flags
--without-uncritical-warn-choke Disable some uncritical warnings
--enable-sanitizer Enable ASan and UBSan extensions
--with-codegen-arch Architecture for code generation: ia32.
Use --enable-native-intrinsics to enable
SIMD optimizations.
--with-all-shared Force all the non obligatory extensions to
be shared
--with-config-profile Name of the configuration profile to save
this to in php-src/config.name.bat
--disable-test-ini Enable automatic php.ini generation. The
test.ini will be put into the build dir
and used to automatically load the shared
--with-test-ini-ext-exclude Comma separated list of shared extensions
to be excluded from the test.ini
--enable-native-intrinsics Comma separated list of intrinsic
optimizations to enable. Available
instruction set names are sse, sse2, sse3,
ssse3, sse4.1, sse4.2, avx, avx2. SSE and
SSE2 are enabled by default. The best
instruction set specified will
automatically enable all the older
instruction sets. Note, that the produced
binary might not work properly, if the
chosen instruction sets are not available
on the target processor.
--enable-apache2handler Build Apache 2.x handler
--enable-apache2-2handler Build Apache 2.2.x handler
--enable-apache2-4handler Build Apache 2.4.x handler
--disable-cgi Build CGI version of PHP
--disable-cli Build CLI version of PHP
--enable-cli-win32 Build console-less CLI version of PHP
--enable-embed Embedded SAPI library
--enable-phpdbg Build phpdbg
--enable-phpdbgs Build phpdbg shared
--disable-phpdbg-webhelper Build phpdbg webhelper
--disable-bcmath bc style precision math functions
--with-bz2 BZip2
--disable-calendar calendar conversion support
--disable-com-dotnet COM and .Net support
--disable-ctype ctype
--with-curl cURL support
--with-dba DBA support
--with-qdbm DBA: QDBM support
--with-db DBA: Berkeley DB support
--with-lmdb DBA: Lightning memory-mapped database
--with-enchant Enchant Support
--with-ffi ffi support
--enable-fileinfo fileinfo support
--disable-filter Filter Support
--enable-ftp ftp support
--without-gd Bundled GD support
--without-libwebp webp support
--with-gettext gettext support
--with-gmp Include GNU MP support.
--with-mhash mhash support (BC via hash)
--without-iconv iconv support
--with-imap IMAP Support
--enable-intl Enable internationalization support
--with-ldap LDAP support
--enable-mbstring multibyte string functions
--enable-mbregex multibyte regex support
--without-mysqlnd Mysql Native Client Driver
--with-oci8 OCI8 support
--with-oci8-11g OCI8 support using Oracle 11g Instant
--with-oci8-12c OCI8 support using Oracle Database 12c
Instant Client
--enable-odbc ODBC support
--with-odbcver Force support for the passed ODBC version.
A hex number is expected, default 0x0350.
Use the special value of 0 to prevent an
explicit ODBCVER to be defined.
--disable-opcache whether to enable Zend OPcache support
--disable-opcache-jit whether to enable JIT
--with-openssl OpenSSL support
--without-pcre-jit Enable PCRE JIT support
--with-pgsql PostgreSQL support
--with-pspell pspell/aspell (whatever it's called this
month) support
--without-readline Readline support
--disable-session session support
--enable-shmop shmop support
--with-snmp SNMP support
--enable-sockets SOCKETS support
--with-sodium for libsodium support
--with-sqlite3 SQLite 3 support
--with-password-argon2 Argon2 support
--with-config-file-scan-dir Dir to check for additional php ini files
--enable-sysvshm SysV Shared Memory support
--with-tidy TIDY support
--disable-tokenizer tokenizer support
--enable-zend-test enable zend-test extension
--disable-zip ZIP support
--disable-zlib ZLIB support
--without-libxml LibXML support
--without-dom DOM support
--enable-exif Exchangeable image information (EXIF)
--with-mysqli MySQLi support
--enable-pdo Enable PHP Data Objects support
--with-pdo-dblib freetds dblib (Sybase, MS-SQL) support for
--with-pdo-mssql Native MS-SQL support for PDO
--with-pdo-firebird Firebird support for PDO
--with-pdo-mysql MySQL support for PDO
--with-pdo-oci Oracle OCI support for PDO
--with-pdo-odbc ODBC support for PDO
--with-pdo-pgsql PostgreSQL support for PDO
--with-pdo-sqlite for pdo_sqlite support
--disable-phar disable phar support
--enable-phar-native-ssl enable phar with native OpenSSL support
--without-simplexml Simple XML support
--enable-soap SOAP support
--without-xml XML support
--disable-xmlreader XMLReader support
--disable-xmlwriter XMLWriter support
--with-xsl xsl support
Some influential environment variables:
CFLAGS C compiler flags
LDFLAGS linker flags
configure --disable-all --enable-cli --enable-$remains
PHP Version: 8.0.0beta2
Saving configure options to config.nice.bat
Checking for cl.exe ... <in default path>
Detected compiler Visual C++ 2019
Detected 64-bit compiler
Checking for link.exe ... <in default path>
Checking for nmake.exe ... <in default path>
Checking for lib.exe ... <in default path>
Checking for bison.exe ... <in default path>
Detected bison version 3.3.2
Checking for sed.exe ... <in default path>
Checking for re2c.exe ... <in default path>
Detected re2c version 1.1.1
Checking for zip.exe ... <in default path>
Checking for lemon.exe ... <in default path>
Checking for 7za.exe ... <in default path>
Checking for mc.exe ... E:\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64
Checking for mt.exe ... E:\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64
Enabling multi process build
Build dir: E:\php-sdk\phpdev\vs16\x64\php-8.0.0-src\x64\Release_TS
PHP Core: php8ts.dll and php8ts.lib
Checking for wspiapi.h ... <in default path>
Enabling IPv6 support
Enabling SAPI sapi\cli
Checking for library edit_a.lib;edit.lib ... <in deps path> \lib\edit_a.lib
Checking for editline/readline.h ... <in deps path> \include
Enabling extension ext\date
Enabling extension ext\hash
Checking for KeccakHash.h ... ext/hash/sha3/generic64lc
Enabling extension ext\json
Enabling extension ext\pcre
Enabling extension ext\reflection
Enabling extension ext\spl
Checking for timelib_config.h ... ext/date/lib
Enabling extension ext\standard
Creating build dirs...
Generating files...
Generating Makefile
Generating main/internal_functions.c
Generating main/config.w32.h
Generating phpize
Enabled extensions:
| Extension | Mode |
| date | static |
| hash | static |
| json | static |
| pcre | static |
| reflection | static |
| spl | static |
| standard | static |
Enabled SAPI:
| Sapi Name |
| cli |
| | |
| Build type | Release |
| Thread Safety | Yes |
| Compiler | Visual C++ 2019 |
| Architecture | x64 |
| Optimization | PGO disabled |
| Native intrinsics | SSE2 |
| Static analyzer | disabled |
The following arguments is invalid, and therefore ignored:
Type 'nmake' to build PHP